Physical Activities and the Outdoors - Visit Seinäjoki
Pitkospuut Seinäjoen Paukanevalla illanlaskussa.

Physical Activities and the Outdoors

Seinäjoki is known as a sports city, and it has an unrivalled network of outdoor trails and tracks including sawdust tracks, hiking trails and cross-country skiing tracks. The total length of the city-maintained cross-country skiing tracks is over 200 km. The largest outdoor site is Jouppilanvuori hill. Visitors can walk around Kyrkösjärvi lake, hike on nature trails, run on the purpose-built track or take one of two accessible routes at Joupiska or to Ahonkylä in Ilmajoki.

There are around ten covered rest areas in the inner Seinäjoki area. They can be found at Hallilanvuori, Kyrkösjärvi, along the Honkakylä trail and the two accessible (esteetön) trails. The city maintains the Jouppilanvuori accessible trail and provides firewood. At other rest areas, visitors need to bring their own firewood.

In winter, the most popular route is the accessible trail to Ahonkylä, which was opened in November 2010. The trail starts at the Joupiska running track. The trail is 23 km long and features many memorable sights.

In Nurmo, the most popular track is at Hyllykallio. The purpose-built Hyllykallio track is adjacent to the Tanelinranta recreational area, which offers cross-country skiing with guaranteed snow from early winter.

Close to the centre of Seinäjoki, just outside Nurmo, visitors can access pristine nature at the Paukaneva duckboard trail, which is part of the EU’s Natura 2000 conservation networking programme. Paukaneva is a great outdoor destination for the whole family. To find out more, visit the website at
In Ylistaro, the Malkakoski nature recreation site offers a bird-watching tower, rest areas and beautiful rapids with thunderous sounds as well as fishing opportunities.

In Peräseinäjoki, the most popular outdoor area is the Kalajärvi area, where visitors have access to a refurbished accessible geological nature trail, a hiking and cycling trail around Lake Kalajärvi, a beach, beach volleyball courts, mini golf, a caravan and cabin site and restaurants. A tour skating track was opened in 2013. Visitors can hire skates from the Kalajärvi Restaurant. The track was reinstated again this winter.

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